
4 Poems

Four Poems by Christopher Berry

If What You Feel Is Real

If what you feel is real then never mind anyone else-
What's important is what you think and believe about yourself.
Of course, trust, honesty, patience, communication and understanding
Is what every relationship needs,
But who are you to make anyone believe-
It's your own fault that you continue to wear your heart on your sleeves,
And when she cuts you with her knife, you're the one who bleeds.
Sometimes, you have to learn how to let go and accept it for what it is-i.e. no means no-
Although failure is often hard and rejection is too,
But look at it as an experience to learn from and grow.
If what you feel is real,
That persistence overcomes resistance
Then you already know motion means progress
Depending on which way you go-
But nothing comes fast everything is slow-
If what you feel is real, then you already know.

Living Under Oppression

Suppression, Repression, Depression and Oppression are consequences of slavery just like incarceration. When you are inhibited by another from expression, that is Suppression; when you are held by another from realizing your full potential, or exercising your talents to the fullest extent, that is Repression; when you are prohibited from being the man, husband, brother, father, the friend or the lover that you know you can be, that contributes to Depression.
But none of these are worst than Oppression. When you are aware of how hard life already is for one or another under your care and custody, and you try to do nothing to reduce their suffering or you refuse to allow them to do something to reduce their own suffering, though it wouldn't hurt you to do so, then you have become an Oppressor.
Your enforce everything like an overseer, sitting atop his horse looking down at the slave, who doesn't allow any breaks to the slave, not even to drink water, since the master has set the rules of no breaks during work hours from sunup to sundown. You are the one so eager to oppress, that my pain becomes your pleasure and your pleasure becomes my pain. You make sure that he never finds and sense of pleasure real or imagined. His life must be a constant hell. And now it is your task as well as your pleasure to see this facilitated.
The Suppression Of Expression and Depression are the end result of your Oppression. The same as no one, but no one chosed to be enslaved during slavery, the same holds true for those incarcerated today. And while many may have committed the actual crimes that have landed them in Prison, there is/has been evidence to show that there are even more locked up that are completely innocent.
But an Oppressor only knows that you have been judge guilty and must therefore by punished, which is the one thing he specializes in dispensing.
You didn't make your job what it is, but your job made you what you are, i.e., an Oppressor; something you'll never know how it feels until you have been oppressed yourself. It makes no difference as to my location or the plantation I'm forced to be stationed, Oppression is the same everywhere you are--as in segregation.
But that is when and how you've become accustomed to LIVING UNDER OPPRESSION in this day and time.
Created by THE SOUL OF MINE, Jan 7, 2K6

If I can Make It Better

IF I can make it better- then that's all I want to do,
To make you smile and laugh,
and to know that things are good between me and you.

If I can make it better, I wouldn't ask for anything more-
Your understanding and patience is what I adore.

If I can make it better that would be my wish-
I promise to make no promises I cannot keep on my list.

If I can make it better there would never be any pain,
No more wars, poverty, homelessness, epidemics, nor starvation.

If I can make it better, I'd walk with you, talk with you while holding your hand-
The days would always be sunny; the nights would be nice and warm.
There would be so much for us to do that we wouldn't need a plan,
No, not even during storm
Yeah, I can make it better.

Created BY The Soul of Mine June 23,2004

That's the Way It Is
I've thought about it more than once, and then came to realize
That what I thought it was, it wasn't, it was just another lie.

That's just the way it is.

When I look into your eyes, I see hurt, emptiness, and pain
Caused by loneliness, the kind you're compelled to contain.

That's just the way it is.

But what I can't understand is how come you smile and laugh
Knowing what we both know,
Or is it a disguise as to what you really feel,
Because like you, I too know the real,
And don't tell me-

That's just the way it is.

Time reveals all to the eye,
And you'll remember what made you laugh
The day when it makes you cry.

Now, that's the way it is.

Created by Christopher Berry, professor of Love and Diverse Sciences; July 23, 2K3

If you would like more information or would like to donate money or time helping with Christopher's defense or other projects, email us at or write to FFUP or Christopher himself.. Addresses below

Christopher berry #219210
WSPF; PO Box 9900
Boscobel, Wi 53805

FFUP (Forum for Understanding Prisons)
P.O.Box 285
Richland Center, Wi 53581

to post one Christopher Berry, Innocent
  • to affidavit proving innocence, post two

  • to post four, letter to sentencing judge

  • to post 5, essay "politics in Law"

  • To post 6, news article about original crime
  • Wednesday

    Letter to sentencing Judge

    THE CALL FOR JUSTICE by Christopher Berry
    On May 24, 1999, I took the liberty to address the attention of the trial, and sentencing Judge. The following are excerpts from that letter.

    Dear Honorable Judge Pteck:

    May it please Your Honor, I, the above named defendant and prisoner, respectfully and humbly compose this sincere dissertation to you as a "Message of Truth," that you will hopefully read rather than simply peruse over. I understand your role as judge quite better today sir, than compared to the year 1991, which is the never forgotten year of what I call "The Trial of Racine's 20th Century." That, as stated, is a year never to be forgotten, at least not by me as long I shall live. I'll forgo going into all the basics as that which is known need not be explained. And that is why I felt compelled to address Your Honor today to state with all clarity and intelligence, the facts and truth which were hidden, undisclosed, and concealed in "The Trial of Racine's 20th Century." Therefore your Honor, I respectfully request that you please bear with me a moment while I move to dispense these thoughts while they remain so fresh in mind. It will only require a few minutes of your time.
    Statement of Facts
    I begin by quoting United States Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, who also serves as Circuit Justice for the 11lh Judicial Circuit. He espoused these words:
    "Few places are a more real expression of the constitutional authority of the government than the court room where the law itself unfolds. Within the courtroom, the government invokes its laws to determine the rights of those who stand before it. In full view of the public, litigants press their cases, witnesses give testimony, juries render verdicts, and judges act with the utmost care to ensure that justice is done."
    In response to that statement and based on personal experience as a defendant, witness, and victim, I will say quite candidly, that I admire the above Supreme Court Justice's analysis of what his experiences are. But what he describes in general is in particular a view that is not shared in common by the many destitute and disenfranchised persons, who like myself have the personal experience of being a defendant, witness, and victim all at once.
    Sir, you will recall in the year of 1776, it was written, "We hold these truths to be self-evident," and one of them was "that all men are created equal." Your Honor, without equivocating, I can personally say that in 1991, there was no equality of treatment displayed in your courtroom during the "Berry Trial" or in 1992 in Berry's appeal. As a matter of fact and truth, I was legally "lynched" in your courtroom by the very people who Justice Kennedy had observed were responsible for upholding and protecting my "proclaimed" civil rights.
    Allow me to elucidate my point for you. As you know, Attorney Joe Kremkoski, a court commissioner, was appointed by you to defend my common interests, "Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness" against the state accusers. And it is my understanding of the law one of my guaranteed rights during a criminal trial is that of the 6th Amendment to "effective assistance of counsel." It is already a point in matter capable of being demonstrated and shall be that Mr. Kremkoski, a lawyer that worked for you as a court commissioner, was everything but effective. He was a good show, but no more than that. The state District Attorneys Ms. Joan Korb and Zoe Stowers should be absolutely ashamed of themselves for what they advocated at my trial, and 1 note that that they are just the obverse of what they should be.
    The state in this case has committed vast errors, which resulted in the tainting of a witness and ultimately in an illegal, unconstitutional, and biased conviction. Possibly they have committed a felony i.e. misconduct in public office, as defined in 946.12 of Wisconsin statutes. Attorney Kremkoski, trial counsel, has also committed vast errors, which amounted to the prejudicing and absolute denial of my 5th, 6th, and 14"th amendment guaranteed rights, thus aiding the state in its wrongful conviction of me.
    In the book of Matthew it says Jesus remained silent during all the questioning at his trial. The oppressors challenged Him to save Himself. I am not Jesus, and that is why I cannot remain silent today, for it is my soul that speaks, and this is "The Call For Justice."
    Christopher Berry
    Judge Pteck
    Racine County Circuit Court
    Racine, WI

    If you would like more information or would like to donate money or time helping with Christopher's defense or other projects, email us at or write to FFUP or Christopher himself.. Addresses below

    Christopher berry #219210
    WSPF; PO Box 9900
    Boscobel, Wi 53805

    FFUP (Forum for Understanding Prisons)
    P.O.Box 285
    Richland Center, Wi 53581

  • to post one Christopher Berry,Innocent

  • to affidavit proving innocence,post two

  • to post three, four poems by Christopher

  • to post 5, essay "politics in Law"

  • To post 6, news article about original crime
  • Politics in Law

    Politics In Law — The Fight For Justice
    The Case
    Summary of the Facts IN RE: Of State of Wisconsin v. Christopher Berry. 91-CP-485.
    In my evaluations of the State's case against the defendant - Berry, compared with all the available and especially the missing evidence of government witnesses testimonies, and with that of the resurrected facts of co-defendants Terry Jackson, Cornelius Hunter and with much emphasis on the culprit, defendant, Terrance Simpson' s admissions and recantations, it is only obvious that the District Attorney and the Racine Police detectives all were acting in concert of a conspiracy to deprive defendant Berry of his Constitutional Rights to due process, a fair trial and equal protection of the laws. They also violated his substantive right to be free from cruel and unusual punishment. In accord with the 5 , 8th and 14th amendments. In my observations I am now certain without any reasonable doubt that the State of Wisconsin knowingly, intentionally, spitefully, willfully and purposefully presented false, slanted and harmful testimony and information before the court and jury on the day of the trial.
    With statements from Terry Jackson in writing admitting that he lied on the preliminary that subject me to be bound over for trial, is to be inferred that the state had knowledge that he was lying, and this also can be inferred from the states action and decision to later prosecute Mr. Terry Jackson.
    I have been in the process of conducting my own private and personal investigation and so far much has turned up, and I am convinced by the facts of this new evidence that I, defendant Berry was and am a victim of a government conspiracy in the race for certain elections during the political season for judges, D.AA, police officials and the entire judicial system.
    The facts show that the judge which presided over my case as well as the two female D.A.'s, were all new to this system and that it is no wonder the state opened its case in the following words: "Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, you all know how our system works." I at that time did not know how it worked but over the years I have done and have committed myself to a lot of Studies in the area of politics and judiciary administration. I have now read a multitude of cases where it is evident that the two work in conjunction. They have in the name of politics conspired to and have convicted a magnitude of innocent persons without any regard for those person's rights secured by the Constitution of the United States of America.
    We all know or should know what the definition of a citizen is: "one who, under the Constitution and laws of the U.S., or a particular state, is a member of the political community owing allegiance and being entitled to the enjoyment of full civil rights."
    Now I ask, does this statement "full civil rights" only apply to those "particular or initiated few?" Why then was I wrongfully, illegally and unconstitutionally pronounced guilty at a mock trial. Was I stripped and literally raped and robbed of my FULL CIVIL RIGHTS? Furthermore, why am I now in the fight for my life that was robbed from me? My liberty has been unlawfully stolen from me.
    I wish to impose these questions on the majority of our nation as well as the minority, whether conservative, liberal or independent. Of course I understand that I may not have looked innocent because of the shade of my skin or because of who I was said to have been, but I don't recall a law anywhere holding that I must LOOK innocent.!
    To the contrary it states, "no one can look into the mind of a person to infer his guilt or innocence, rather it must be based solely upon the evidence put forth by the State who has the burden of proving his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. It doesn't even hold that I had to prove my innocence, but rather the opposite. I am supposed to be innocent before proven guilty and not the contrary!
    However, in my case the contrary to the above was more the case. It was nothing more than a silent conspiracy where everyone, including the judge, D.A. and witnesses of the State knew their judicial duty which was as Malcolm X once stated: "By any means necessary
    "By any means necessaryl By any means necessary!" These words still reverberate in the back of my mind. I wonder exactly at the number of how many innocent persons have become a victim of government conspiracies. One knows for sure that the history of such are well documented.
    Before the book closes on me and my case, my only hope for justice and freedom depend on four sources of whom only one is truly independent of all, Allah (God), our highest power. Co-defendant Terrance Simpson, the principal actor in the case, co-defendant Terry Jackson, the second primary actor in the case, and State witness Cornelius Hunter, a primary factor in the States case against me.
    It is not to be expected of the State or the D.A. to admit that they are wrong, but the TRUTH once told by the defendants will leave no room for misunderstandings. The Government must prove the defendant's membership in a conspiracy by the defendants own words and not by the words of others. See U.S. V. Lahey. 55F3d 1289: U.S. V. Dunigan. 884F2d 1010: and U.S. V. Ott. 741F2d 226....
    Rest assures in the philosophy: "Truth crushed to the earth shall rise again." Christopher X. Berry #219210 5/3|05'

    If you would like more information or would like to donate money or time helping with Christopher's defense or other projects, email us at or write to FFUP or Christopher himself.. Addresses below

    Christopher berry #219210
    WSPF; PO Box 9900
    Boscobel, Wi 53805

    FFUP (Forum for Understanding Prisons)
    P.O.Box 285
    Richland Center, Wi 53581

  • to post one Christopher Berry,Innocent

  • to affidavit proving innocence,post two

  • to post three,four poems by Christopher

  • to post four, letter to sentencing judge

  • To post 6,news article about original crime
  • Monday

    News article about the original crime.

    Scanned from original
    Racine is familiar with Arkansas dilemma
    R. Cierzan of Racine lives 500 miles away from Jonesboro, Ark., but she is all too familiar with that community's heartache — the echoing horror and sorrow from gunshots fired by children. Her nephew, Darnell Williford, was shot to death nearly eight years ago by a pint-size gunman who was boosted onto the roof of a community center by his gangbanger pals.
    It was nearly as shocking a crime to Racine as the killings of four school girls and a teacher were to Jonesboro. Add it led to the kind of legal reform in Wisconsin that is now being debated in Arkansas,
    Williford's admitted killer, Terrance Simpson, was just 11 when he ended Williford's life with a single sniper style shot to the back.
    It looked like cold-blooded murder to those who saw the shooting, but Simpson was too young to face charges under the state's existing juvenile laws — a well-intended, but short-sighted tract known as the Children's Code. Children had to be at least 12 before they could be accused of crimes, which were classified as "delinquent acts" under the old code. Legally, Simpson was still a child, though his lifestyle included very adult interests,
    Here are some sentences I wrote about Simpson for this newspaper as juvenile authorities pondered their pre-teen predicament
    Metro on the Beat
    "His days often began with a drink and a cigarette- He started fights at school, when he felt like attending class. And he ran with adult members of the Vice Lords street gang until the wee hours of the morning."
    Those few words spoke volumes about Simpson at age 11. But they had no impact whatsoever on his legal disposition. The only legal remedy available at the time was to have Simpson declared a child in need of protective services. That allowed for his long term placement in a treatment center, a place he often fled — though it probably featured the best meals, lifestyle, education and structure of his life. It was an odd result for the taking of a life. Some believed Simpson not only got away with murder, he benefited from it.
    Joan Korb, an assistant district attorney for Racine County, still is troubled by the murder of Williford and the apparent lack of remorse in Simpson, "We couldn't send him to a locked facility. He even saw himself as_a Korb explained. "he wanted to write a book. He thought he could sell it. " Korb noticed something about
    Sinipson that is now happening in the wake of the Jonesboro killings allegedly committed by Mitchell Johnson, 13, and Andrew Golden, 11.
    The accused get the get the attention, the concern, the wringing hands and forrowed brow of juvenile experts concerned about the brutal impact of prison on kids who kill. The victims are mourned and quickly buried. the parents weep privately and forever as they are publicly encouraged to get on with their lives.
    This troubles Judge Dennis Barry of Racine County Circuit Court who emerged after the Williford trial as perhaps the strongest support of juvenile justice reform in Wisconsin. "Everyone is talking about those poor young kids on Arkansas now." Barry said "Nobody is talking about the victims. Who were the victims? They were four young girls. too. They say that's the curse of the gods to lose a child. " Barry believes the focus should not be solely on the suspects who almost daily are portrayed as victims of troubled backgrounds, abuses, broken relationships or shoddy parenting. "Truth is, they are not victims of anything at the moment. They are accused of deliberate killings that would almost certainly put any grown man on death row.
    Korb and Barry believe that Wisconsin's new juvenile just code, which took effect in 1996, allow for rehabilitation of the suspects tailored to the needs of those with petty offenses and those facing murder charges.
    Berry recalls the 10- year- old age limit as one of the sticking points against the new code. Some juvenile advocates though it was too low, too punitive, too draconian.
    Barry and Korb see it as realistic.
    Some young children are capable of horrible, violent crimes. Some of those who are capable prove to be culpable. It may not save the children to put them behind bars but it certainly saves society from their next horror. It is that public protection aspect that gets overlooked by those who fear harsh punishment., Barry said. Instead on the emotional and inaccurate image of putting young children into adult prisons, Berry believes the emphasis should be on making communities safer. He believes the states juvenile justice code has been effective. But he and Ciezan are sorry it took a tragedy to propel the change. "I just wish it could have happened sooner." Said Cierzan, who raised Williford as if he were her own child.
    Simpson is serving time for arson and recklessly endangering safety for starting a fire in the county's juvenile detention center in 1997.

    If you would like more information or would like to donate money or time helping with Christopher's defense or other projects, email us at or write to FFUP or Christopher himself.. Addresses below

    Christopher berry #219210
    WSPF; PO Box 9900
    Boscobel, Wi 53805

    FFUP (Forum for Understanding Prisons)
    P.O.Box 285
    Richland Center, Wi 53581

    to post one Christopher Berry,Innocent
    to affidavit proving innocence, post two
    to post three,four poems by Christopher
    to post four,letter to sentencing judge
    to post 5,essay:"politics in Law"